
distance between two stations is 340km . two trains start simuntaneously from these stations on parallel tracks to cross each other . the speed of one train is greater than the other by 5km per hour . if the distance between the two trains after two hours of their start is 30km , find the speed of each train ?

 May 23, 2014

Best Answer 


thankx for the anwer and good explanation !

 May 23, 2014

Ok.........the total distance traveled by both trains is 340km - 30 km = 310km

Let the speed of the slower train be x

So the speed of the faster train is x + 5

So the rate of the first train (x) times the time it has traveled (2 hrs) = some distance

And the rate of the second train (x+5) times the time it has traveled (2 hrs) = some distance

And the distances combined is 310km


x(2) + (x+5)(2) = 310

2x + 2x + 10 = 310       Subtract 10 from both sides

4x = 300       Divide by 4

x = 75km/hr     And that's the rate of the slower train

And the faster train is traveling 5km/hr faster = 80km/hr

 May 23, 2014

Start by letting the speed of the slower train be s km/hr. The speed of the other train is therefore s + 5 km/hr

Their relative speed (that is the speed of one as seen by the other) is the sum of these two; namely: 2s + 5 km/hr.

After two hours they will have travelled closer to each other by a distance (2s + 5)*2 km (because distance = speed*time).  Since they started 340km apart and are now only 30km apart, the combined distance they have travelled is 340 - 30 = 310 km.  So, we must have:

(2s + 5)*2 = 310

2s + 5 = 155

2s = 150

s = 75 km/hr

And the faster train's speed is 75+ 5 = 80 km/hr


(Edited to correct silly mistake!)

 May 23, 2014
Best Answer

thankx for the anwer and good explanation !

rosala May 23, 2014

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