
There are 19 figure skaters in the Olympic women's competition, including 3 Americans. The gold medal goes to first place, silver to second, and bronze to third. 

In how many ways can the medals be awarded to three of the 19 figure skaters?

 Feb 28, 2015

Best Answer 


Yes.....let's be done with the "Olympic medals" question.....a question shouldn't take more time to answer than the event it is referencing took to enact......


Nauseated.....I believe you're suffering from a slight case of "Mucus" Numbers.....which is a  similar series to the "Lucas" Numbers......except that it's snot.......


 Mar 1, 2015

For this particular equation, we'd use permutations to solve. We end up with 5814 different ways the awards could be given.

 Feb 28, 2015

There is something about the inflection on permutation that is reminiscent of someone. I’m sure I’ll figure it out, soon.


Anyway, your answer may be a permutation, but it’s wrong. This answer should be appened to the multiple answers for this question that's on another post. It needs three wrong answers and one correct answer, like a multiple choice question.


Your incorrect answer will be the first one discarded -- at least by those who can find their butts in the dark with a torch, a GPS, and an anatomy guide. No buts about it!

 Mar 1, 2015

Of course......"permutes"  permutes to  "tee-rumps" which is what one has when he is holding all the cards....

Not to mention......all the medals.....in some combination, of course.......


 Mar 1, 2015

Is this the new 2+2   or   10+9     ?


I must have seen this question at least a half dozen time in the last few days!


Nauseated and Chris, do you think we have the next permutation for a troll post? 

 Mar 1, 2015

the only reason why this was posted a lot of times was because nobody had answered. Thank you everybody who helped me!!

 Mar 1, 2015

An Olympic mistake. (Insert curse words here).

I just reread the question. It’s not the same as the other question --Anon’s answer is correct. 


Now, there is another reason to pinch a clothespin on my nose. It seems I have a strain of CDD that causes near instant brain damage. Yep, my brain is liquefying and dripping out my nose. A clothespin will help keep it contained until it re-solidifies.


Maybe I should just let it drip out; then, by shear random chaos, my brain cells might move like individual amoebas, coalescing into a non-corporeal entity like a Boltzmann brain of pure energy with a randomness of memories that do not include exposures to thought-stopping byproducts of CDD viruses.

 Mar 1, 2015

That sentence could just be a symptom Nauseated.   :/

 Mar 1, 2015

Thanks anon, like Nauseated said, your answer was correct in the first place!


It is   19P3


$${\left({\frac{{\mathtt{19}}{!}}{({\mathtt{19}}{\mathtt{\,-\,}}{\mathtt{3}}){!}}}\right)} = {\mathtt{5\,814}}$$


If this question really is different from the earlier ones, which were answered, then it is 19 instead of 20 or something like that.

The technique is identical! 

 Mar 1, 2015
Best Answer

Yes.....let's be done with the "Olympic medals" question.....a question shouldn't take more time to answer than the event it is referencing took to enact......


Nauseated.....I believe you're suffering from a slight case of "Mucus" Numbers.....which is a  similar series to the "Lucas" Numbers......except that it's snot.......


CPhill Mar 1, 2015

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