two carts with identical masses of 500 gram and 400 gram collide on an experimental linear track. the first cart has a velocity of 2 cm/s, while the second has a velocity of -4 cm/s.
\sum _{ i\quad =\quad 0 }^{ \infty }{ \frac { 1 }{ { 2 }^{ i } } }
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Lg Omi67
1.2 x 10^7μm
wat does this equal
what is x if ....
1. Handelt es sich um einen einseitigen oder zweiseitigen Hebel?
2. Wie weit sind A und B vom Drehpunkt entfernt?
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Rauminhalt in Liter?
Make a table for a function whose graph has a y-intercept of 4 and a slope of 2/3.
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