My mom was drunk and was driving late at night. She crashed into a tree and died on impact. There was nothing they could do to save her.
Dude... My mom's dead
I have Ghosts for Xbox 360
Lol i'm homeschooled.., and wow you're going to bed early Melody.. On weekends I stay up till around 8 am
Wait poo are you homeschooled?
I guess goodnight although it's only 11:40 am
Sorry i'm just bored of doing schoolwork.
$${\sqrt{{\mathtt{36}}}} = {\mathtt{x}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{\mathtt{x}}$$
That is the formula you need to solve this. Very simple and the answer is lower than 10.
You are going to need to find out how much 1% is and multiply it by 100.