
Имя пользователяgeno3141
Вопросов 1
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1 окт. 2014 г.

I would begin by writing all the perfect squares of the numbers from 10 dpwm through 1:

10² = 100                                          Do this, so that you have some numbers to look at.

9² = 81                                              There may be some cases, that you need numbers larger than

8² = 64                                                      these, but they won't occur often

7² = 49               

6² = 36                                              You really don't need to write the 1² = 1.

5² = 25

4² = 16                                              The reason to start with the largest number first is that your eyes

3² = 9                                                will go from top down and it will be easier to solve the problems

2² = 4                                                if you go from largest to smallest.

1² = 1


Example:  √1152                 Of the perfect squares above, which is the largest one that divides into

                                           1152 evenly (without a remainder)?  It is 64  -->  1152 ÷ 64  =  18.

Now, write  √1152  =  √64 · √18

                                           Now look at 18; what is the largest perfect square that divides into 10?

                                           It's  9  because  18  =  9 · 2

You have:  √1152  =  √64 · √9 · √2

                                            Since  2  can't be divided by any perfect square, you're done after you

                                            simplify your answer.

√1152  =  √64 · √9 · √2  =  8 · 3· √2  =  24 √2


This is tough; write back if you can use more help (or different help!).

1 окт. 2014 г.
1 окт. 2014 г.