Hi Melody,
In LaTeX when you use $ for spaces in my coding it doesn't work..For the first line it does but for the rest it doesn't leave spaces between my words so i had to stick with \; , however I'd prefer to just use the dollar sign as it's easier...
E.g. recent code.
\\\\$Let's hope Steve has high stamina\\\\
\\So 40m every two minutes (2\times30=60 minutes) so\;40m\times30= a\;hour = 1200\;meters\\
\\$1200 meters\times\;24\;for\;a\;day\;=\;28000\;meters$\\
\\\\Convert\;1051200000m\;into\;centermeters\;=\;105120000000 cm\\\\
Your\;answer\;is\;105120000000 cm