Wow, thanks CPhill! I'll go ahead and do some reading on it!
I'm sorry, but like I just said, I know NOTHING about this.
See, that's pretty cool. (I know NOTHING about how this works.)
It's ok, he is sort of right. That is the limit of the answer box. However, you can find 1,000,000 digits of pi here.
It would be an insane string of decimals.
How about this, then? 1/20.3779710139257144
That is a C-C+
1/(.049072599) = 20.3779710139257144
Approximately 1/20.4
However, let's get the final answer by multiplying by 5.
So it is approximately 5/102
However, it is immeasurable how large the universe is because it continues to expand.