wow those theories are as legit as the seahawks picking to pass over running with Marshawn lynch BRAVO BRAVO!
look at your username looks like someone needs to eat a dum dum sucker...
i swear candies nowadays!
aw jilly bean your a snitch and a wrong one at that! Who snitches then snitches wrong!?
aw but see those are the most dangerous ones! The ones you dont! Could be anyone.....Could be you!?
ill give you a hint she is my friend....and she is on this forum...
generic username and generic questions!? Your off to a GREAT START!
be careful cussing on here everyone (Ha everyone how ironic) You will see how my fossil or more importantly how my dinosaur is doing if you dont quickly erase it before......SHE SEES IT....You heard nothing from me
as easy as your riddles?
haha nice one tho never heard of it before that took some grammer knowledge to answer