If it's simple interest, use this formula: A = P·r·t
where A = final amount P = beginning amount r = rate as a decimal t = year
Your beginning amount is 2600 and your rate is 4% = .04:
1 year: A = 2600 x .04 x 1 =
3 years: A = 2600 x .04 X 3 =
Similar, for 5 years, 6 years, and 10 years.
If it's compounded, we will need to use a different equation and we will need to know how many times its compounded per year.
If it's simple interest, use this formula: A = P·r·t
where A = final amount P = beginning amount r = rate as a decimal t = year
Your beginning amount is 2600 and your rate is 4% = .04:
1 year: A = 2600 x .04 x 1 =
3 years: A = 2600 x .04 X 3 =
Similar, for 5 years, 6 years, and 10 years.
If it's compounded, we will need to use a different equation and we will need to know how many times its compounded per year.