7/9 - 5/13
To subtract common fractions, find a common denominator.
To find the common denominator for the denominators 9 and 13, multiply them together.
9 x 13 = 117.
Now multiply both the numerator and denominator of the first fraction by 13 and the numerator and denominator of the second fraction by 9.
(7/9)·(13/13) - (5/13)·(9/9) Multiplying numerators times numerators and denominators times denominators:
(91/117) - (45/117) Subtracting the numerators and placing that answer over the common denominator:
7/9 - 5/13
To subtract common fractions, find a common denominator.
To find the common denominator for the denominators 9 and 13, multiply them together.
9 x 13 = 117.
Now multiply both the numerator and denominator of the first fraction by 13 and the numerator and denominator of the second fraction by 9.
(7/9)·(13/13) - (5/13)·(9/9) Multiplying numerators times numerators and denominators times denominators:
(91/117) - (45/117) Subtracting the numerators and placing that answer over the common denominator: