
The list A is the list of all positive integers from 1 to 1000. We create a list B by changing all the multiples of 3 from the list A by its successors. Then we create the list C by changing all the multiples of 7 from the list B by its predecessors.

How many numbers in list A  still appears at least one time in the list C?


 Jul 2, 2020

Yay I'm back after months of video games and coding.



What DOESN'T appear one time? We can call that being "deleted".

Let's call a term in list A "\(n\)"


 - \(n\) is only deleted if \(n\text{ }mod\text{ }4=3 \) and not \(n + 1\text{ }mod\text{ }8=7\)

so in other words, if \(n\) is a multiple of 3 and \(n+1\) is NOT a multiple of 7, then it shall be deleted.


Example {n = 3}

 - n is multiple of 3

 - n + 1 is NOT multiple of 7


therefore it should be deleted.


Now let us calculate how much will be deleted.


There are floor(1000/3) = 333 multiples of 3 from 1 - 1000.

There are floor(333/7) = 47 multiples of 7 that are also a multiple of 3.


That means there are 333 - 47 = 286 multiples of 3 that are NOT multiples of 7. That means 286 should be deleted.



Since the question asks how many numbers are not deleted in list C, we can easily find that the answer is 1000 - 286 is \(\boxed{714}\).




Please correct me if I am wrong.

 Jul 2, 2020
edited by AnExtremelyLongName  Jul 2, 2020
edited by AnExtremelyLongName  Jul 2, 2020

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