
 Dont b**w your face off with a firework

 Jul 4, 2014

Best Answer 


To celebrate the 4th of July, during the evening we usually have big parties and launch fireworks and grill up some food to eat together. Alot of towns/cities will launch off fireworks for this occasion, and in addition many people will launch off there own fireworks. As a result, alot of fireworks are launched. Just how many you ask? Well, acording to this source, 175 million pounds of fireworks were lit off at last years celebration. 

Also, you will almost always see a football or frisbee being thrown around, and people just hanging out with each other.

Most businesses in America are closed for the 4th of July.

 Jul 4, 2014

Zegroes , I'm wondering is there anything special today ! Becoz forth of July is really weird to wish as U could wish 1st of July ! 

But still thanks and same to u !

 Jul 4, 2014

Rosala, the 4th of July is a special holiday in the USA, celebrated every year.  It is Independence Day; celebrating the Declaration of Independence (the day the US declared its independence from Great Britain). 

 Jul 4, 2014

WOW! That's really nice ! I didn't even  know that it was Independence Day ! Thanks for telling me Alan ! Thumbs up !

 Jul 4, 2014

Thanks Alan,

Maybe Zegroes or another young US person could tell us about how US people celebrate July 4.

 Jul 4, 2014

Yes I'm excited too!

 Jul 4, 2014
Best Answer

To celebrate the 4th of July, during the evening we usually have big parties and launch fireworks and grill up some food to eat together. Alot of towns/cities will launch off fireworks for this occasion, and in addition many people will launch off there own fireworks. As a result, alot of fireworks are launched. Just how many you ask? Well, acording to this source, 175 million pounds of fireworks were lit off at last years celebration. 

Also, you will almost always see a football or frisbee being thrown around, and people just hanging out with each other.

Most businesses in America are closed for the 4th of July.

NinjaDevo Jul 4, 2014

you know NinjaDevo out here these many fireworks are released on a festival !

By the way thanks for telling!thums up from me!

 Jul 4, 2014

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