
Bekah has four brass house number digits: 2, 3, 5 and 7, and only has one of each number. How many distinct numbers can she form using one or more of the digits?

 Nov 5, 2018

Using one digit, we have 4 possible numbers


Using two of the digits, we have  P (4,2)  = 12 possible numbers


Using therr of the digits, we have P(4,3)  = 24 possible numbers


Using all four, we have 4!  = 24 possible numbers


So....the total number of possibilities is


4 + 12 + 24 + 24   =


64 possibilities




cool cool cool

 Nov 5, 2018

Bekah has four brass house number digits:
2, 3, 5 and 7, and only has one of each number.
How many distinct numbers can she form using one or more of the digits?


\(\text{binary code} \\ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|r|c|} \hline 2 & 3 & 5 & 7 & & \text{distinct numbers} \\ \hline 0&0&0&1 & 7 & 1! \\ 0&0&1&0 & 5 & 1! \\ 0&0&1&1 & 57 \text{ or } 75 & 2! \\ 0&1&0&0 & 3 & 1! \\ 0&1&0&1 & 37 \text{ or } 73 & 2! \\ 0&1&1&0 & 35 \text{ or } 53 & 2! \\ 0&1&1&1 & 357 & 3! \\ 1&0&0&0 & 2 & 1! \\ 1&0&0&1 & 27 \text{ or } 72 & 2! \\ 1&0&1&0 & 25 \text{ or } 52 & 2! \\ 1&0&1&1 & 257 & 3! \\ 1&1&0&0 & 23 \text{ or } 32 & 2! \\ 1&1&0&1 & 237 & 3! \\ 1&1&1&0 & 235 & 3! \\ 1&1&1&1 & 2357 & 4! \\ \hline &&&&\text{sum}& = 4\times 1! + 6\times 2! + 4\times 3!+1\times 4! \\ &&&&& = \dbinom{4}{1}1! +\dbinom{4}{2}2! +\dbinom{4}{3}3! +\dbinom{4}{4}4! \\ &&&&& = 1!C_4^1 +2!C_4^2 + 3!C_4^3 + 4!C_4^4 \\ &&&&& = 4+12+24+24 \\ &&&&&\mathbf{ = 64} \\ \hline \end{array}\)



 Nov 6, 2018
edited by heureka  Nov 8, 2018

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