
To the Top Answerers, especially Melody, CPhill and Geno3141

I don't know what part of the world you guys are from, but what you all do for us, helping us, is really awesome and appreciative!

Thank you lots!


 May 4, 2015

Best Answer 


Thanks, Kim.....Geno and I are from the US

Melody is from Mars.......she stops in once in a while to handle the "otherworldly" questions...all those UFOs you hear about???....that's Melody......just buzzing around.......

We've jiust added a new "mod"....Alan......he's very good......!!!


Melody and Friends ......



 May 4, 2015
Best Answer

Thanks, Kim.....Geno and I are from the US

Melody is from Mars.......she stops in once in a while to handle the "otherworldly" questions...all those UFOs you hear about???....that's Melody......just buzzing around.......

We've jiust added a new "mod"....Alan......he's very good......!!!


Melody and Friends ......



CPhill May 4, 2015

Very cool! I'm out in New York.

LOL. I wish to be as good as you guys in Maths or at least 3/4 :)

 May 4, 2015

Thank you Kim,  you have made my day  

Why don't you join up - We would love to have you here and it is VERY easy to join.  

You do not have to give an email address or anything.

Yes I am from Mars,  but I spend a lot of my Earthly time in Sydney, Australia.   LOL

Alan spends his Earthly time in England :)

 May 4, 2015

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