
Town A and Town B are 780km apart .A car travels at an average speed of 68km/h from Town A to Town B.At the same time,a bus travels from Town B to Town A at an average speed of 62km/h.How far would each vehicle have travelled when they meet on their way?

 Aug 31, 2014

Best Answer 


Remember that D/R = T. And since they travel the same time, let x be the distance that the car traveled and let 780-x  be the distance that the bus traveled. And the distance that the car traveled divided by its rate = the distance the bus traveled divided by its rate. So we have.....

x/68 = (780-x)/62

62x = 68(780-x)

62x = 53040 - 68x

130x = 53040

x = 408km

And this is the distance that the car traveled. And (780-408)km = 372km = the distance the bus traveled.


 Aug 31, 2014
Best Answer

Remember that D/R = T. And since they travel the same time, let x be the distance that the car traveled and let 780-x  be the distance that the bus traveled. And the distance that the car traveled divided by its rate = the distance the bus traveled divided by its rate. So we have.....

x/68 = (780-x)/62

62x = 68(780-x)

62x = 53040 - 68x

130x = 53040

x = 408km

And this is the distance that the car traveled. And (780-408)km = 372km = the distance the bus traveled.


CPhill Aug 31, 2014

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