
Hi all....need your help again..Thanks and have a good year!


 Jan 30, 2020

I expect a number of people, including me, are struggling with your question OldTimer.

 Feb 1, 2020


 Feb 1, 2020
edited by OldTimer  Feb 1, 2020
edited by OldTimer  Feb 2, 2020

Hi Oldtimer,

Isn't it great when you can work these questons out yourself!    laugh


I played with it but I thought that L M and N were points on the triangle. Not on the circle.

It says on opposite sides, to me it made more sense to think that the triangle was meant.


So i guess I had no hope from the outset.    sad

 Feb 1, 2020

Hi Melody.....Apologies....you are right of course. I got distracted by the Windows graphics and loading process to site. Will amend for correctness sake.  

OldTimer  Feb 2, 2020

Hi OldTimer,

Ok so I was looking at it correctly after all.....

Melody  Feb 2, 2020

Do you still need part one done?

 Feb 1, 2020

Thanks Melody.....I think I got it now...hope you and Tiggsy approve. Great thanks!!

OldTimer  Feb 2, 2020

Hi OldTimer


Been sitting on this for a couple of days, but better late than never.

I'm assuming that you would prefer a leg-up rather than a complete solution, but if that's not the case, or if you need more help, then post again.


For part (i), drop a perpendicular from A onto BC, meeting BC at D say, work out what the angle LAD is in terms of angles of the triangle and then write down a trig identity for this angle.

For part (ii), make the obvious substitutions from part (i) and arrive at (via the sine rule) the requirement that

\(\displaystyle \cot B\cot C+ \cot C \cot A + \cot A \cot B =1.\)

To prove this, make use of the identity

\(\displaystyle \cot (A+B)=\frac{\cot A \cot B - 1}{\cot A + \cot B}.\)

That's not one that you tend to remember but it comes easily from the identity for \(\displaystyle \tan (A+B), \text{(which you should remember)}.\)

(You'll still need to use \(\displaystyle \cot (A+B)=1/\tan(A+B)\)

on the LHS, and remember that A + B + C = 180 deg. )



 Feb 1, 2020

Thanks Tiggsy.     laugh

Melody  Feb 2, 2020

Dear all thanks for your help.....solved part 1 as follows:


 Feb 2, 2020
edited by OldTimer  Feb 2, 2020

O is the centre and R the radius of the circle circumscribing the triangle ABC, AO, BO, and CO meet the opposite sides in L, M, N respectively.

Show that

\((i)\quad AL = \dfrac{ b\sin C} { \cos(B-C) }\)


\(\text{Let $\angle BAO= \angle ABO = w$ } \\ \text{Let $\angle CAO= \angle ACO = v$ } \\ \text{Let $\angle CBO= \angle BCO = u$ } \\ \text{Let $\angle A= v+w$ } \\ \text{Let $\angle B= w+u$ } \\ \text{Let $\angle C= u+v$ } \\ \text{Let $\angle CLA = \varphi$} \)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline A+B-C &=& (v+w)+(w+u)-(u+v) \\ A+B-C &=& 2w \quad | \quad A+B = 180^\circ - C \\ 180^\circ - C-C &=& 2w \\ 180^\circ -2C &=& 2w \quad | \quad : 2 \\ 90^\circ -C &=& w \\ \mathbf{w} &=& \mathbf{90^\circ -C} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline A-B+C &=& (v+w)-(w+u)+(u+v) \\ A-B+C &=& 2v \quad | \quad A+C = 180^\circ - B \\ 180^\circ - B-B &=& 2v \\ 180^\circ -2B &=& 2v \quad | \quad : 2 \\ 90^\circ -B &=& v \\ \mathbf{v} &=& \mathbf{90^\circ -B} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline -A+B+C &=& -(v+w)+(w+u)+(u+v) \\ -A+B+C &=& 2u \quad | \quad B+C = 180^\circ - A \\ 180^\circ - A-A &=& 2u \\ 180^\circ -2A &=& 2u \quad | \quad : 2 \\ 90^\circ -A &=& u \\ \mathbf{u} &=& \mathbf{90^\circ -A} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


In triangle ALC:

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \varphi &=& 180^\circ-(v+C) \quad | \quad \mathbf{v=90^\circ -B} \\ \varphi &=& 180^\circ-(90^\circ -B+C)\\ \varphi &=& 180^\circ-90^\circ -(-B+C)\\ \varphi &=& 180^\circ-90^\circ -(C-B)\\ \varphi &=& 90^\circ -(C-B)\\ \mathbf{\varphi} &=& \mathbf{90^\circ +(B-C)} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


In triangle ALC - sin rule:

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \dfrac{ \sin{C} } {AL} &=& \dfrac{\sin(\varphi)}{b} \\\\ \dfrac{ \sin{C} } {AL} &=& \dfrac{\sin\Big(90^\circ +(B-C)\Big)}{b} \\\\ \dfrac{ \sin{C} } {AL} &=& \dfrac{\cos\Big(B-C\Big)}{b} \quad | \quad \updownarrow \\\\ \dfrac{AL}{ \sin{C} } &=& \dfrac{b} {\cos\Big(B-C\Big)}\\\\ \mathbf{AL} &=& \mathbf{\dfrac{b\sin{C}} {\cos\Big(B-C\Big)}} \\ \hline \end{array}\)



 Feb 2, 2020

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