
Имя пользователяElectricPavlov
Вопросов 4
ответы 13979


Area of stage will be:  STAGE AREA=   3r x 2r = 6r^2   From the description and diagram

The LIT area will be

pi r^2  + (pi r^2  - 2 x (segment of overlap) )      (1)



Segment of overlap is portended by an angle of 120 degrees 


120/360 (pi r^2) = 1/3 pi r^2   is the area of the SECTOR portended by the 120 degrees   

       we will have to SUBTRACT TWO TIMES the area of a triangle with hypotenuse = r  and 1 leg = 1/2R to find the area of the SEGMENT


Using Pythagorean theorem to find the other leg       r^2 - (1/2r)^2 = (other leg)^2  

Other leg = sqrt(r^2-(1/2r^)^2 ) =  sqrt(r^2-1/4r^2) = sqrt(3/4r^2)= r (sqrt3)/2 

So after all of this, the area of this RIGHT triangle is     1/2 (Leg1 x Leg2) =  1/2 ( 1/2 r x r  (sqrt3)/2)  = 1/2 ( r^2 (sqrt3)/4) = r^2 sqrt3  / 8


NOW,(hang in there.....this get's long)      TWO times this triangle is   ( r^2sqrt3)  /4


Area of SECTOR - TWO TIMES TRIANGLE = area of SEGMENT =    1/3 pi r^2  -( r^2 sqrt 3 ) /4        (2)


Getting there:      from (1)   the LIT area of the stage is      pi r^2 + pi r^2 - 2 (1/3 pir^2- (r^2sqrt3)/4)

                                                                                             2 pi r^2   - 2/3 pi r^2  - r^2 (sqrt3)/2  = 4/3 pi r^2 -r^2 (sqrt3)/2



Now the PERCENTAGE of the stage is   LIT area/ stage area      4/3 pi r^2 -r^2 (sqrt3)/2    / 6r^2


cancel out all of those r^2 to get:     ( 4/3 pi  - (sqrt3)/2 ) / 6  =  55.4% of the stage is lit       55.4 percent change flowers will land in the light


b)  we found the are of the SECTOR to be (above--- (2) )      1/3 pi r^2  -( r^2 sqrt 3 ) /4   the are of over lap is TWO times this


    so the are of stage in overlapping light is   2 x sectors/ stage area   =      2(1/3 pi r^2  -( r^2 sqrt 3 ) /4)  / 6r^2   cancel out all of th r^2 to get

                                                                                                                        (2/3pi -( sqrt3)/2) / 6   = 20.47 percent chance of landing in overlap area




Wow.....there was a LOT of calcs to get this answer......hope I didn't mess up in there somewhere !        Anyone else get same answers???

5 мая 2016 г.