When we cut all the washers out of the sheet ( and before we cut any holes in the washers ) the area occupied by each washer is just pi ( outside radius)^2 = pi (1 cm)^2 = pi cm^2
[Note that if the diameter of each washer is 2 cm....then the radius of each is just 1 cm ]
So....the area occupied by each washer is that of a circle with a radius of 1 cm =
pi (radius)^2 = pi (1 cm)^2 = pi cm^2
So.....the total are occupied by these washers is just 7500* pi cm^2
And the area of the sheet is just (300 cm * 100 cm) = 30000 cm^2
So....the amount of excess metal surrounding the washers is just the total area of the sheet less the total area occupied by all the washers = [ 30000 - 7500 pi ] cm^2 (1)
When we take all the washers off the original sheet [ 7500 of them ] we will cut the centers out of each of them.....the amount of metal in the center (the area of metal that will form the hole in the washer ) is just pi * ( inside radius)^2 = pi (1/2 cm)^2 = pi/4 cm^2
Since we have 7500 of these....the total area of excess metal from this part is just
7500 *[ pi /4 cm^2] = 1875 pi cm^2 (2)
So the total amout of metal that we have to cut washers from is now just the sum of (1) and (2) =
[30000 cm^2 - 7500 pi cm^2] + 1875 pi cm^2 = 30000cm^2 - 5625 pi cm ^2 =
[ 30000 - 5625 pi ] cm^2 = area of the new sheet
And each washer cut from this sheet will occupy the same area as before = pi cm^2
So....the total number of washers we can cut from the new sheet is
[ Area of new sheet ] / [ Area of each washer ] = [ 30000 - 5625pi] cm^2 / pi cm^2 =
[ 30000 - 5625 pi ] / pi =
about 3924 washers
Does that make sense ??