Thanks Ginger,
I still have trouble getting my head around your method. I don't like working with formulas unless I develop them myself.
This is just becasue I have a bad memory and don't trust myself to apply other people's logic properly.
I usually just prefer to think of all cards or what ever being unique and work back from there.
Let see if i can do it again now, without looking back, and come up with the same answer.
There are 6! ways to line up the cards, but it doesn't matter what order the pairs are in
so that makes 6!/(2*2*2)= 90 ways
There are 3!*3! ways that they can get each get a red and a yellow = 6*6=36
36/90 = 40%
Great, now we are all in total agreement. :) (I hope guest actually learns something.)