Fractions on the calculator:
This is a page that Kitty put together for us a little while ago. Once again - thanks Kitty<3
In answer to all those people who want to know how to do fractions on this calculator:
Here are some of the replies from various answers; I hope they can help you out:
Re: How do you do fractions on this calculator?
"5 and a half - 8 and a quarter would be
(5+12)−(8+14)=−2.75 "(by Melody)
Re: where is the fraction button
"It is a box above a box" (by Anonymous)
"On many calculators out guest is correct. There is no fraction button on the Web2.0calc You have to use the ÷ button. To enter 3 and 1/2 - 6 and a quarter you would press
(3+1÷2)−(6+1÷4)=" (by Melody)
Re: How do we use fractions on this calculator??
"with the ÷ button. If you are doing calculations with mixed numerals it is best to put them in brackets like (3+1÷2)" (by Melody)
"You can use forward slash / as we write in a fraction. 6/2 is a fraction. And if there are more numerals involved, use brackets as (6*2+8)/4
I hope it helps." (by novice)
"you simply make it a decmil if 4 were 1/4 i would put 4.25" (by Gman2598)
Thanks to everyone who answered!
by kitty<3 (Apr 28, 2014 5:44:22 PM)
1 over 4 is "1/4"
4 over 1 is 4/1"
"/" is the divide sign for the calculator
Fractions on the calculator:
This is a page that Kitty put together for us a little while ago. Once again - thanks Kitty<3
In answer to all those people who want to know how to do fractions on this calculator:
Here are some of the replies from various answers; I hope they can help you out:
Re: How do you do fractions on this calculator?
"5 and a half - 8 and a quarter would be
(5+12)−(8+14)=−2.75 "(by Melody)
Re: where is the fraction button
"It is a box above a box" (by Anonymous)
"On many calculators out guest is correct. There is no fraction button on the Web2.0calc You have to use the ÷ button. To enter 3 and 1/2 - 6 and a quarter you would press
(3+1÷2)−(6+1÷4)=" (by Melody)
Re: How do we use fractions on this calculator??
"with the ÷ button. If you are doing calculations with mixed numerals it is best to put them in brackets like (3+1÷2)" (by Melody)
"You can use forward slash / as we write in a fraction. 6/2 is a fraction. And if there are more numerals involved, use brackets as (6*2+8)/4
I hope it helps." (by novice)
"you simply make it a decmil if 4 were 1/4 i would put 4.25" (by Gman2598)
Thanks to everyone who answered!
by kitty<3 (Apr 28, 2014 5:44:22 PM)
Answerers please note - I have included this thread address in the sticky page
"information pages worth keeping or developing"
If you want answers from often repeated questions you should look in there.
If you want to type in fractions, click where it says scientific, and click fractions.
You could either switch the calculator to the function that allows fractions, or just type parenthesis around your fraction when you enter it into the calculator so PEMDAS won't mess with it. For example, 1 over 5 should be typed as (1/5)
for hard people:7687−367387like that. Or as Medoly said, use the divide by sign. Hope i helped!
Type in your numerator and your denominator next to each other separated by a slash/.
E.G.: 87/89
If you want to have an operation between two fractions do this:
(87/89) * (17/90) = X
when your typing you would say:
1 is over 5 = 1/5
you would separate the numerator and the denominater
by a slash. Here are some examples:
2 is over 22 = 2/22
6 is over 9 = 6/9
8 is over 48 = 8/48
well hope this helps.